John Gorman Barr



Brief Biography

John Gorman Barr was born in Milton, North Carolina. He attended the University of Alabama, where he earned both a Bachelor of Arts and a Master of Arts. In 1845, Barr began practicing law and writing for the Tuscaloosa Observer. When the Mexican War began, Barr recruited a company of soldiers from Alabama and served as captain from 1847-1848. After returning from Mexico, Barr continued practicing law and became editor of the Tuscaloosa Observer. Barr also wrote stories about frontier life in Alabama, and they were published nationally for several years. He died of sunstroke while en route to his appointment as U.S. Consul in Melbourne, Australia, in 1858.


Rowdy Tales from Early Alabama: The Humor of John Gorman Barr. Alabama; University of Alabama Press, 1981.


John Gorman Barr wrote in the genre of Old Southwest Humor, choosing to set his stories in Alabama. His stories stand out due to many of the characters and places being inspired by real people and places. His works focus on the poor white working class and farming families.


Alabama Authors of the 19th and 20th Centuries, edited by Beverley Park Rilett,


Barr, John Gorman, “John Gorman Barr,” Alabama Authors of the 19th & 20th Centuries, accessed September 20, 2024,