William Bartram



Brief Biography

William Bartram was born near Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He was the son of renowned botanist John Bartram. He spent four years exploring the Southeast and looking for plant specimens after persuading one of his father’s contacts in England to fund his expedition. The story of his expedition, Travels, was published fourteen years after his return and sold well in Europe. He declined offers to become a botany professor at a college that later became known as the University of Pennsylvania and to join the Lewis and Clark Expedition. Bartram died in 1823 in his garden.


The Travels of William Bartram. New York; Dover Publications, 1928.


William Bartram wrote a travel book that tells of his experience journeying through southeastern North America during the Revolutionary War era. His book includes detailed nature imagery and descriptions of the Indigenous people he met.


Alabama Authors of the 19th and 20th Centuries, edited by Beverley Park Rilett, http://AlabamaAuthors.org


Bartram, William, “William Bartram,” Alabama Authors of the 19th & 20th Centuries, accessed September 19, 2024, https://alabamaauthors.org/items/show/537.