Emma Gelders Sterne



Brief Biography

Emma Gelders Sterne was a native of Birmingham, Alabama. She earned a bachelor’s degree from Smith College in Northampton, Massachusetts, in 1916 before returning to Birmingham to campaign for women's suffrage and establish a school for delinquent children. She then lived in various cities, including New York City; Pelham, New York; and Wilton, Connecticut. After selling her first story in 1923, Sterne went on to write children’s books, historical novels, and biographies. Several of her works are set in Alabama. She continued writing until her passing in 1971.


White Swallow. New York; Duffold & Co., 1928.

Blue Pigeons. New York; Duffold & Co., 1929.

Loud Sing Cuckoo. New York; Duffield, 1930.

Amarantha Gay, M.D. New York; Dodd, Mead, 1932.

No Surrender. New York; Duffield and Green, 1932.

Calico Ball. New York; Dodd, Mead, 1933.

Drums of Monmouth. New York; Court Book, Co., 1935.

The Reluctant Dragon; a Play in Three Acts. New York; S. French, 1935.

Far Town Road. New York; Dodd, 1937.

Miranda Was a Princess; a Story of Old Spain. New York; Dodd, Mead, 1937.

Some Plant Olive Trees. New York; Dodd, Mead, 1937.

European Summer. New York; Dodd, Mead, 1938.

The Pirate of Chatham Square, a Story of Old New York. New York; Dodd, Mead, 1939.

America Was Like This. New York; Dodd, Mead, 1941.

We Live to Be Free. New York; Farrar & Rinehart, 1942.

Incident in Yorkville. New York; Farrar & Rinehart, 1943.

Printer's Devil. New York; Aladdin Books, 1952.

A Ball for Little Bear; an Ojibway Legend. New York; Aladdin Books, 1953.

The Long Black Schooner, the Voyage of the Amistad. New York; Aladdin Books, 1953.

Watchtowers and Drums. New York; Aladdin Books, 1953.

A Ball for Little Bear; an Ojibway Legend. New York; Aladdin Books, 1953.

How Rabbit Stole Fire; a Cherokee Legend. New York; Aladdin Books, 1954.

Let the Moon Go By; a Book of Tall Tales. New York; Aladdin Books, 1955.

Mary McLeod Bethune. New York; Knopf, 1957.

Blood Brothers, Four Men of Science. New York; Knopf, 1958.

A Cap for Kathy. New York; Golden Press, 1959.

Balboa. New York; Knopf, 1960.

Junior Nurse.
New York; Golden Press, 1960.

Senior Nurse. New York; Golden Press, 1960.

The Patient in 202. New York; Golden Press, 1961.

Assignment in Alaska. New York; Golden Press, 1961.

Private Nurse. New York; Golden Press, 1962.

Search for an Island. New York; Golden Press, 1963.

Sierra Adventure. New York; Golden Press, 1964.

Courage in Crisis. New York; Golden Press, 1964.

Off-Duty Nurse New York; Golden Press, 1964.

An Affair of the Heart. New York; Golden Press, 1965.

Peace Corps Nurse. New York; Golden Press, 1965.

African Adventure. New York; Golden Press, 1965.

I have a Dream. New York; Knopf, 1965.

Benito Juarez, Builder of a Nation. New York; Knopf, 1967.

They Took Their Stand. New York; Crowell-Collier, 1968.

His Was the Voice; the Life of W. E. B. DuBois. New York; Crowell-Collier Press, 1971.

Joint Publications:

The Sea. New York; Golden Books, 1959.

King Arthur and His Knights of the Round Table. New York; Golden Books, 1962.


Emma Gelders Sterne was a prolific writer of biography, historical novels, and children's books. Her children's books discussed history and biography in a way that was accessible to young readers.


Alabama Authors of the 19th and 20th Centuries, edited by Beverley Park Rilett, http://AlabamaAuthors.org


Sterne, Emma Gelders, “Emma Gelders Sterne,” Alabama Authors of the 19th & 20th Centuries, accessed September 19, 2024, https://alabamaauthors.org/items/show/657.