T.S. Stribling



Brief Biography

Thomas Sigismund Stribling, who published as T. S. Stribling, was born in Clifton, Tennessee, but spent summers near Gravelly Springs, Alabama. Stribling initially pursued a career in teaching, studying at Southern Normal College and the State Normal College (now the University of North Alabama) before teaching for a year at a public school in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. However, Stribling’s passion for writing prevailed, and he transitioned to full-time writing after brief stints in law and journalism. His early works encompassed children's stories and adventure tales, but his breakthrough came when he began publishing novels in 1917. Notably, Stribling earned a Pulitzer Prize for Fiction in 1933 for the second book in his renowned trilogy, which comprises of The Forge, The Store, and Unfinished Cathedral. While Stribling continued to write a mix of popular and serious novels until 1938, his later years saw him primarily focusing on publishing short stories in magazines until his retirement in 1955. Stribling died in 1965, and his autobiography, Laughing Stock, was published posthumously in 1982.


The Cruise of the Dry Dock. Chicago; Reilly & Britton Co., 1917.

 New York; Century and Company, 1922.

Fombombo. New York; The Century Co., 1923.

Red Sand. New York; Harcourt, 1924.

Teeaftallow. New York; Doubleday, Page, 1926.

These Bars of Flesh. New York; Doubleday, Doran, 1926.

East Is East. New York; L Harper Allen, 1928.

Bright Metal.New York; Doubleday, Doran, 1928.

Clues of the Caribbees; Being Certain Criminal Investigations of Henry Poggioli.Doubleday, N.Y.; Doran & Co., 1929.

Strange Moon. New York; Doubleday, Doran, 1929.

Backwater. Garden City, N.Y.; Doubleday, Doran, 1930.

The Forge. London; Heinemann, 1931.

The Store. Doubleday, N.Y.; Doran & Co., 1932.

The Sound Wagon. New York; Doubleday, Doran, 1932.

Unfinished Cathedral. New York; The Literary Guild, 1934.

Best Dr Poggioli Detective Stories. New York; Dover, 1975.


T.S. Stribling wrote novels of social realism, examining issues of race and class. He sympathized with the impoverished and mistreated.


Alabama Authors of the 19th and 20th Centuries, edited by Beverley Park Rilett, http://AlabamaAuthors.org


Stribling, T.S., “T.S. Stribling,” Alabama Authors of the 19th & 20th Centuries, accessed September 19, 2024, https://alabamaauthors.org/items/show/659.